Chief Vaasthu Consultant
Shree Mahesh Gyani
Mahesh Gyani has been a keen student of parallel sciences since in college. This keen interest led him to the search of Vaasthu Shastra. though his qualification are bachelor of arts in Economics, Masters in Social Work, Post Graduate Diplomas in Organizational Behavior and clinical and community psychology he got more inclined to take up a serious career as a Vaasthu Consultant. He stayed there for 9 months but could not find it suitable for him. He has a very PRACTICAL APPROACH to Vaasthu. His style of teaching Vaasthu has been appreciated by many a learned class. His lectures have been source of inspiration to many to take a vaasthu as a profession or as a hobby. Mahesh Gyani owned an industry from 1982 to 1989 after which he left for USA for good. He stayed there for 9 months but could not find it suitable for him. He came back and from 1990 till 1997 did his business as a Builder. He came back and from 1990 till 1997 did his business as a Builder. Since then he has been a full time Vaasthu Consultant.